Tuesday, June 13, 2006

zhng my browser

obviously i not talking abt IE here lor. that stupid browser come integrated with WinXP one, so boring... i am talking about Mozilla browsers like Firefox and Mozilla Suite. mozilla browsers can zhng one you know? me not talking about make the browser look swee swee like changing skins/themes that kind of zhng ok, but really making it do more things than it does by default ala chut power! haha!!

now i only know of 2 ways to zhng the browser la, next time if found anymore i post more lor. heres how:

you can use this to submit to a web form such as search Google, Wikipedia etc from your browser's location bar. so like that, you save on having to first going to the website then enter the search keyword. you can do it for any form with 1 input field. i havent try with multiple fields la, so dunno if it works or not. heres how to create one for Wikipedia:
  1. create a bookmark to the URL "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s" and give it a name, say "Wikipedia Quick Search".
  2. go to Bookmarks -> Manage Bookmarks, right click on the bookmark you just created and click on Properties.
  3. In the Keyword field, key one or more lowercase letters, e.g. "w".
  4. Click OK and exit the Bookmark Manager.
to perform a search, on the location bar, type "w YOUR_SEARCH_QUERY" without the quotes and press Enter. YOUR_SEARCH_QUERY denotes your search keyword.

can create one for other website also by replacing the URL. heres what i have so far:
also read this to see how you can create bookmarklet for other browsers.

extensions are small add-ons that add new functionality to your browser. e.g. mozImage turns your browser into an image browser; Image Zoom allows you to zoom in and out of any webpage's images. can go to https://addons.mozilla.org/ to see got what extensions available. installation also very easy one, jus click on the Install Now link in the page niah niah. most extensions can work on both mozilla and firefox.

me got use these extensions:
  • Extension Manager - allows you to manage your extensions. want to install must also think about uninstalling mah!
  • Habari Xenu - a news aggregator/reader that supports RSS, Atoms, RDF syndicate feeds. wanna install Sage one (suppose to be a better feed reader), but it doesnt work on mozilla.
  • HTML Validator - adds HTML validation functionality to your browser. only if you are interested in the codes behind your nice webpage la!
  • IE Tab - opens a IE session (for crying out loud!!) within mozilla window. bopians some stupid websites discriminate against non-IE users (aka jedi) neber do their webpages properly for other browsers.
  • IE View - opens your current page in IE. was using this before i found IE Tab.
  • Image Zoom - controls the size of images displayed in a web page. handy if you browse sites with big big images. hee!
  • Reload Every - automatically reloads a webpage after a certain time interval. i use it on Yahoo! Singapore Finance.
  • User Agent Switcher - lets you switch the identity of your browser to 'fool' the web server. usually used to get around those lagi stupid websites that ask you to use IE if not cannot view their websites. can see i go to great length NOT to suck up to the evil empire. haha!
  • wmlbrowser - for browsing WAP sites.
have fun zhng'ing your browser la!

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